hina hikawa - general info!

hellohi!! we are the pupitskiz system! we are a synthetic complex DID system with a headcount of about 1,000,,! we use number names & RAMCOA exclusive terms,, so feel free to ask if a term is open or not ! we can be self absorbed & paranoid and assume a lot of things are about us ,, so please have some patience !

PAREO - keep in mind!

we are working on removing any closed symbols that are not from the cherokee language or hebrew . we are also working on removing any information about doubles from profiles as well . please disregard any doubles information and don't harass us about closed symbols . we were uneducated but we are trying to find time to remove stuff asap !

nanami hiromachi - keep in mind!

we are pretty awkward and mask heavily especially in DMS . we ask that people are gentle with wording as we are easily BPDID splitters . we are trying our best to better ourselves and be more sympathetic and open to criticism,, but it may still be difficult for us to express remorse properly . we are trying to distance ourselves from our blacklist situation . we will still give delayed replies to clear up anything or take accountability where needed .

kokoro tsurumaki - current status!

our texts are currently monitored ! messages with certain words or phrases get flagged , so please think about messages before sending messages !! we are struggling a lot with splitting,, paranoia && anxiety right now so expect delayed replies off and on ! any servers we mod in we are on a forced break for ,, but we miss you all dearly!!

LOCK - puppy piles redirectory

most links are accessible through .co/sleepycure or .co/hoarderpup !
all our main / important links are on sleepycure and miscellaneous rentry links will all be listed on hoarderpup ! our strawpage, main carrd & main rentry all use the URL pupitskiz !